25 research outputs found

    Ocular UV protection : revisiting safe limits for sunglasses standards.

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    The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) establishes that the safe limits regarding\ud ultraviolet radiation exposure in the spectral region 180nm–400nm incident upon the unprotected eye(s) should not\ud exceed 30 Jm-2 effective spectrally weighted (spectral weighting factors are provided by ICNIRP); and the total\ud (unweighted) ultraviolet radiant exposure in the spectral region 315nm–400nm should not exceed 104 Jm-2. However, it\ud should be considered that the spectral range from 180nm–280nm does not reach the surface of the Earth, since it is\ud absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. The Brazilian Standard for sunglasses protection, NBR15111(2004), as\ud well as the British Standard BSEN1836(2005) and American Standard ANZI Z80.3(2009), requires the UV protection in\ud the spectral range 280nm–380nm, but does not take into account the total (unweighted) UVA radiant exposure. These\ud limits are discussed in this work and calculations have been made for 27 state capitals of Brazil to understand the limits\ud that should be involved in order to protect the eyes of the Brazilian population. These calculations and considerations\ud may be extended to other countries as well. As a conclusion, we show that the upper limit for the UVA protection of\ud 400nm should be included in the Brazilian standard, as well as the irradiance limits. Furthermore, the parameters for the\ud resistance to irradiance test required on the Brazilian standard are also discussed herein as well the significance of this\ud test. We show that the test should be performed by the sun simulator for a longer period than currently required.FAPESP - Proc 2012/11171-

    Performance of a CAD scheme applied to images obtained from mammographic film digitization and full-field digital mammography (FFDM).

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    This work has as purpose to compare the effects of a CAD scheme applied to digitized and \ud direct digital mamograms sets. A routine designed to be applied to mammogram in \ud DICOM standard was developed and a schema based on the Watershed Transform to \ud masses detection was applied to 252 ROIs from 130 digitized mammograms, resulting in \ud 92% of true positive and 10% of false positives. For clustered microcalcifications \ud detection, another procedure was applied to 165 ROIs from 120 mammograms, resulting in \ud 93% of true positive and 16% of false positive. By using the same procedures to 154 \ud digital mammograms obtained from FFDM, the rates have shown a little decrease in the \ud scheme performance: 89% of true positive and 16% of false positive for masses detection; \ud 90% of true positive and 27% of false positive for clusters detection. Although the tests \ud with digital mammograms have been carried with a smaller number of images and \ud different cases compared to the digitized ones, including several dense breasts images, the \ud results can be considered comparable, mainly forclustered microcalcifications detection \ud with a difference of only 3% between the sensibility rates for the both images sets. Another \ud important feature affecting these results is the contrast difference between the two images \ud set. This implies the need of extensive investigations not only with a larger number of \ud cases from FFDM but also on the parameters related to its image acquisition as well as to \ud its corresponding processing.Este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar os resultados de um esquema CAD aplicado em \ud conjunto de mamografias digitalizadas e em um conjunto de mamografias obtidas de um \ud mamógrafo digital. Para extrair as imagens do padrão DICOM, padrão utilizado pelos \ud mamógrafos digitais, uma rotina computacional foi desenvolvida. Para a detecção de \ud nódulos, um esquema baseado em Transforma Watershed foi aplicado a 252 regiões de \ud interesse (ROIs) de 130 mamografias digitalizadas, resultando em 92% de verdadeiro \ud positivo e 10%de falsos positivos. Para a detecção de microcalcificações agrupadas, outro \ud procedimento foi aplicado a165 ROIs extraídas de 120 mamografias digitalizadas, \ud resultando em 93% de verdadeiro positivo e 16% de falso positivo. Ao utilizar os mesmos \ud procedimentos para154 mamografias digitais obtidas a partir de um FFDM, as taxas \ud mostraram uma diminuição pequena no desempenho: 89% do verdadeiro positivo e 16% \ud de falso positivo para a detecção de nódulos, e 90% de verdadeiro positivo e 27% de falsos \ud positivo para a detecção de clusters de microcalcificações. Embora os testes com \ud mamografias digitais tenham sido realizados com um menor número de imagens e casos \ud diferentes em comparação com os digitalizados, incluindo várias imagens de mamas \ud densas, os resultados podem ser considerados comparáveis, principalmente para a detecção \ud de clusters de microcalcificações com uma diferença de apenas 3% entre as taxas de \ud sensibilidade para as imagens dos dois conjuntos. Outra característica importante que afeta \ud esses resultados é a diferença de contraste dos dois grupos de imagens analisados. Isto \ud implica na necessidade de extensas investigações não só com um maior número de casos \ud de mamografias digitais, mas também um estudo sobre os parâmetros relacionados a \ud aquisição da imagem, bem como para o seu processamentoCNPqFAPESPHospital of Clinics in Botucatu/S

    Application of Artificial Neural Network Models in Segmentation and Classification of Nodules in Breast Ultrasound Digital Images

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    This research presents a methodology for the automatic detection and characterization of breast sonographic findings. We performed the tests in ultrasound images obtained from breast phantoms made of tissue mimicking material. When the results were considerable, we applied the same techniques to clinical examinations. The process was started employing preprocessing (Wiener filter, equalization, and median filter) to minimize noise. Then, five segmentation techniques were investigated to determine the most concise representation of the lesion contour, enabling us to consider the neural network SOM as the most relevant. After the delimitation of the object, the most expressive features were defined to the morphological description of the finding, generating the input data to the neural Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier. The accuracy achieved during training with simulated images was 94.2%, producing an AUC of 0.92. To evaluating the data generalization, the classification was performed with a group of unknown images to the system, both to simulators and to clinical trials, resulting in an accuracy of 90% and 81%, respectively. The proposed classifier proved to be an important tool for the diagnosis in breast ultrasound

    Evaluation of a Computer-Aided Diagnosis System in the Classification of Lesions in Breast Strain Elastography Imaging

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    Purpose: Evaluation of the performance of a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system based on the quantified color distribution in strain elastography imaging to evaluate the malignancy of breast tumors. Methods: The database consisted of 31 malignant and 52 benign lesions. A radiologist who was blinded to the diagnosis performed the visual analysis of the lesions. After six months with no eye contact on the breast images, the same radiologist and other two radiologists manually drew the contour of the lesions in B-mode ultrasound, which was masked in the elastography image. In order to measure the amount of hard tissue in a lesion, we developed a CAD system able to identify the amount of hard tissue, represented by red color, and quantify its predominance in a lesion, allowing classification as soft, intermediate, or hard. The data obtained with the CAD system were compared with the visual analysis. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC) for the classification using the CAD system from the manual delineation of the contour by each radiologist. Results: The performance of the CAD system for the most experienced radiologist achieved sensitivity of 70.97%, specificity of 88.46%, and AUC of 0.853. The system presented better performance compared with his visual diagnosis, whose sensitivity, specificity, and AUC were 61.29%, 88.46%, and 0.829, respectively. The system obtained sensitivity, specificity, and AUC of 67.70%, 84.60%, and 0.783, respectively, for images segmented by Radiologist 2, and 51.60%, 92.30%, and 0.771, respectively, for those segmented by the Resident. The intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.748. The inter-observer agreement of the CAD system with the different contours was good in all comparisons. Conclusions: The proposed CAD system can improve the radiologist performance for classifying breast masses, with excellent inter-observer agreement. It could be a promising tool for clinical use

    Avaliação de ruído em imagens radiográficas digitalizadas por meio do histograma

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    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar três equipamentos digitais em relação ao ruído agregado as imagens radiográficas digitalizadas contendo diferentes densidades ópticas. MATERIAL AND MÉTODO: Uma imagem radiográfica foi digitalizada seqüencialmente dez vezes usando dois escaneres (HP 4c/T and HP 5370C) e uma câmera digital (Nikon 990). Por meio do histograma foram medidos os valores de pixels e os desvios-padrões da região de interesse de cada imagem. Ambos valores foram utilizados para o cálculo do ruído nas diferentes densidades ópticas. RESULTADOS: Os valores encontrados para o ruído foram diferentes para cada equipamento e para cada densidade óptica. Houve uma diferença estatística significante entre os valores de ruído encontrados para o escaner HP 4c/T e a câmera digital (pTo evaluate the performance of three digital devices regarding the noise added to digital radiographic images containing different optical densities. METHODS: A radiographic image was digitized repeatedly ten times using two scanners (HP 4c/T and HP 5370C) and a digital camera (Nikon 990). A histogram tool measured a mean pixel value and the standard deviation of the region of interest in each image. Both values were used to calculate the image noise at the different optical densities. RESULTS: The noise values found were different for all devices and optical densities. There was a statistically significant difference (

    Corretion Method of Phantom Images and Classification of their Structures of Interest

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    O controle de câncer de mama representa um dos grandes desafios que os serviços de \ud saúde pública enfrentam atualmente. Para realizar o controle de qualidade de sistemas \ud mamográficos o Ministério da Saúde exige o uso de simuladores radiográficos (phantoms) \ud de mama. Com o objetivo de reduzir a subjetividade na avaliação das imagens de phantom\ud pela inspeção visual humana, está sendo desenvolvido um sistema computadorizado que \ud utiliza um método de correção em imagens digitalizadas, associado à classificação de suas \ud estruturas de interesse pelo critério de visibilidade. Ao comparar os resultados da \ud classificação através do algoritmo J48 da ferramenta WEKA com e sem a correção das \ud imagens, essa técnica apresentou uma melhora significativa na eficácia para determinadas \ud estruturas do phantom.Breast cancer control represents one of the greatest challenges that public health service \ud faces nowadays. To execute the quality control of mammographic systems, the Brazilian \ud Health Ministry demands the use of breast phantoms. Aiming to reduce the subjectivity \ud present in the evaluation of phantomimages through human visual inspection, a \ud computerised system has been developed that uses a correction method in its digitised \ud images, associated with the classification of its structures of interest by the visibility \ud criterion. Comparing the results of the classification using the J48 algorithm of the WEKA \ud package with and without image correction, this method presented a significant \ud improvement in the effectiveness for determining structures of the phantomCNPqCAPE

    A computer simulation proposal for radiographic systems evaluation by the transfer functions method.

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    A presente tese demonstra, a partir da avaliação convencional pelo método das Funções de Transferência de sistemas de imagem radiológica, que é necessário obter imagens de fenda em diversas orientações no campo para que essa análise tenha um significado mais real no caso de sistemas não isotrópicos. Isso provém da não linearidade na variação entre as FTMs obtidas para diversas direções 0 e 90&#176C relativas ao eixo do tubo de raios-X. Essa verificação, entretanto, representa um sério problema prático, pois indica um aumento no grau de complexidade de um método que, embora considerado o mais preciso pela maioria dos pesquisadores, tem sido utilizado apenas por laboratórios muito bem equipados. Assim, visando solucionar esse problema, esta tese propõe um novo método de simulação por computador que calcula a FEL e a FTM devidas ao ponto focal, dispensando, portanto, todo o complexo aparato experimental convencionalmente utilizado, o que contribui para tornar acessível à avaliação pelas funções de transferência a qualquer unidade radiológica. Por fim, faz parte desse trabalho também uma investigação do significado físico das variações registradas entre as FTMs e um estudo formal desenvolvido acerca dos conceitos da característica de campo e da magnificação lateral.From the conventional evaluation by the radiological systems Transfer Functions, this work shows that it is necessary to obtain slit images at several field orientations so that this annalysis has a more real significance for non-isotropic systems. This is achieved from the non-linearity on the variations among the MTFs obtained in several directions between 0 and 90&#176C relative to the X-ray tube axis. This notification, however, represents a serious practical matter, because it shows an increase on the complexity of a method which has been used just by well structured laboratories, although many researchers have considered it the most accurate. Hence, in order to solve this problem, we present a new computer simulation method which calculates the LSF and the MTF due to the focal spot, without all the conventional complex experimental apparatus. This makes the evaluation by the transfer functions suitable to any radiological unit. Finally, it is also part of this work an investigation of the physical meaning of the variations among the MTFs and a formal study about the field characteristics and the lateral magnification concepts

    A computer simulation proposal for radiographic systems evaluation by the transfer functions method.

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    A presente tese demonstra, a partir da avaliação convencional pelo método das Funções de Transferência de sistemas de imagem radiológica, que é necessário obter imagens de fenda em diversas orientações no campo para que essa análise tenha um significado mais real no caso de sistemas não isotrópicos. Isso provém da não linearidade na variação entre as FTMs obtidas para diversas direções 0 e 90&#176C relativas ao eixo do tubo de raios-X. Essa verificação, entretanto, representa um sério problema prático, pois indica um aumento no grau de complexidade de um método que, embora considerado o mais preciso pela maioria dos pesquisadores, tem sido utilizado apenas por laboratórios muito bem equipados. Assim, visando solucionar esse problema, esta tese propõe um novo método de simulação por computador que calcula a FEL e a FTM devidas ao ponto focal, dispensando, portanto, todo o complexo aparato experimental convencionalmente utilizado, o que contribui para tornar acessível à avaliação pelas funções de transferência a qualquer unidade radiológica. Por fim, faz parte desse trabalho também uma investigação do significado físico das variações registradas entre as FTMs e um estudo formal desenvolvido acerca dos conceitos da característica de campo e da magnificação lateral.From the conventional evaluation by the radiological systems Transfer Functions, this work shows that it is necessary to obtain slit images at several field orientations so that this annalysis has a more real significance for non-isotropic systems. This is achieved from the non-linearity on the variations among the MTFs obtained in several directions between 0 and 90&#176C relative to the X-ray tube axis. This notification, however, represents a serious practical matter, because it shows an increase on the complexity of a method which has been used just by well structured laboratories, although many researchers have considered it the most accurate. Hence, in order to solve this problem, we present a new computer simulation method which calculates the LSF and the MTF due to the focal spot, without all the conventional complex experimental apparatus. This makes the evaluation by the transfer functions suitable to any radiological unit. Finally, it is also part of this work an investigation of the physical meaning of the variations among the MTFs and a formal study about the field characteristics and the lateral magnification concepts

    Computational adjustment technique for digital mammographic images based on the digitizer characteristic curve

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    We evaluated the performance of a novel procedure for segmenting mammograms and detecting clustered microcalcifications in two types of image sets obtained from digitization of mammograms using either a laser scanner, or a conventional ""optical"" scanner. Specific regions forming the digital mammograms were identified and selected, in which clustered microcalcifications appeared or not. A remarkable increase in image intensity was noticed in the images from the optical scanner compared with the original mammograms. A procedure based on a polynomial correction was developed to compensate the changes in the characteristic curves from the scanners, relative to the curves from the films. The processing scheme was applied to both sets, before and after the polynomial correction. The results indicated clearly the influence of the mammogram digitization on the performance of processing schemes intended to detect microcalcifications. The image processing techniques applied to mammograms digitized by both scanners, without the polynomial intensity correction, resulted in a better sensibility in detecting microcalcifications in the images from the laser scanner. However, when the polynomial correction was applied to the images from the optical scanner, no differences in performance were observed for both types of images. (C) 2008 SPIE and IS&T [DOI: 10.1117/1.3013544